Thursday, December 28, 2023

Memorial Planned For Veterans Cemetery In Slidell

 A special memorial will be built at the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery in Slidell to honor all of our Fallen Heroes from Iraq and Afghanistan who have sacrificed so much for us in the Global War On Terror (GWOT).

The project is being pursued by the St. Tammany Veterans Foundation, Inc. (STVF). Lane Carson, President of the group,  announced the new memorial at the Nov. 11 Veterans Day Ceremony in Covington

    The special STVF, Inc. project is named “Heroes Farewell.” 

The STVF organization has teamed up with FL&WB Architects (the same group who produced the plans for the St. Tammany Veterans Memorial Plaza at the Justice Center) to design and build an enduring Memorial to them at the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery adjacent to LANG Camp Villere off Airport Road and I-12 in Slidell. 

Click on "Play Triangle" above 
to learn more about the project.