Saturday, November 16, 2024

Veterans Day 2024

  The annual Veterans Day ceremony took place at 10 a.m. at the entrance of the St. Tammany Justice Center in Covington Monday. More than 100 people turned out for the event, which was hosted by American Legion Robert H. Burns Post No. 16. 

Dennis W. Charlesworth served as master of ceremonies, and among the dignitaries speaking were Parish President Mike Cooper, Covington Mayor Mark Johnson, Lucy Vennen of Post 16 Auxiliary, Rachel Shaw with the Daughters of the American Revolution, and Matt Cole with the Marine Corps League.

Video from the Veterans Day Program
Click on the "Play Triangle" to view the video

The guest speaker was Tiffany McGary Cyprian, who told about her organization and how it is meeting the housing needs of homeless veterans in St. Tammany Parish. 

Mia Ditta sang the national anthem and "God Bless America," and the American Heritage Girls led the Pledge of Allegiance. Arthur Bennet Jr. gave the invocation and the benediction. The St. Tammany Veterans Honor Guard took part in the Advancement of Colors, the three volley Rifle Salute and the playing of "taps."

Here are some photographs. Click on the image to make them larger. 

Master of Ceremonies Dennis Charlesworth

The St. Tammany Veterans Honor Guard advanced the colors

The American Heritage Girls led the Pledge of Allegiance

Senior veterans of wars as long ago as World War II and the Korean War were honored

Parish President Mike Cooper and Covington Mayor Mark Johnson
along with Lucy Vennen of the Post 16 Auxiliary

Matt Cole with the Marine Corps League, Rachel Shaw with the Daughters of the American Revolution and Guest Speaker Tiffany McGary Cyprian with the Welcome Ministries Community Home

The three volley rifle salute

The American Heritage Girls group

Mia Ditta sang the "Star Spangled Banner" and "God Bless America"

The oldest two veterans in attendance

The entire group of veterans

A number of tables were set up giving out information about various services available to veterans, as well as book sales by author Allen Oxford shown above.

The Covington Fire Department brought out their big flag

Veterans Day was originally known at Armistice Day. It is a federal holiday observed on November 11, for honoring military veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. The event originally marked the end of World War I, which came in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. 

Forty-seven years ago, in 1977, I took this picture of the Veterans Day program in front of the old courthouse on Boston Street.